Comfort Services Group Limited is now a proud member of the Legionella Control Association

What is the Legionella Control Association?

The Legionella Control Association (LCA) is a voluntary organisation whose membership comprises providers of services and products concerned with the control of Legionella bacteria in water systems. The primary aim is to keep water systems safe and minimise the risk of cases of Legionnaires' disease caused by poorly maintained systems.

Companies and individuals are invited to pledge 9 commitments making up the Code of Conduct with the specific objective of raising standards in the control of Legionella bacteria in water systems.

Membership is voluntary but is seen across the industry as increasingly important in demonstrating a commitment to high standards of service.

What does this mean to our customers?

Becoming members of the LCA offers our customers the assurance that our engineers offer extensive experience and knowledge in the Management and Control of Legionella in water systems. This will ensure you receive the best possible service to meet your legal duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974

As members of the LCA you can be assured that Comfort will:

  • Provide clients with a clearly defined written agreement setting out the responsibilities of both parties to ensure compliance with current legislation
  • Demonstrate and document a satisfactory level of competence of its staff
  • Ensure that recommendations made will be equal to, or better than, the relevant Codes of Practice and provide guidance documents pertaining to the system in question
  • Ensure that lines of communication and reporting with the client
  • Keep up to date and adequate records that will be readily available
  • Jointly review the performance and control measures with the client at least annually and necessary remedial plans agreed
  • Establish a formal internal auditing procedure for compliance with the Service Provider Commitments of the Code of Conduct
  • Ensure that any sub-contractor is either registered for that activity under the LCA or maintain additional controls and audits to ensure compliance with the LCA Code of Conduct
  • Provide all relevant clients with a copy of the current certificate

For more information call Comfort today on 01206 247010 or visit